- Oklahoma Health Care Authoritywww.okhca.org
- American Public Health Associationwww.apha.org
- National Institutes of Healthwww.health.nih.gov
- American Health Care Associationwww.ahcancal.org
- Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)www.cms.gov
- American Medical Associationwww.ama-assn.org
- American Red Crosswww.redcross.org
- Medicarewww.medicare.gov
- Oklahoma Human Services (Developmental Disabilities Services)www.okdhs.org
- Oklahoma Human Serviceswww.okdhs.org
- Developmental Disabilities Council of Oklahomawww.okddc.ok.gov
- The Oklahoma Family Networkwww.oklahomafamilynetwork.org
- American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilitieswww.aaidd.org
- HHS.govwww.hhs.gov
- National Council on Disabilitywww.ncd.gov
- National Disability Rights Networkwww.ndrn.org
- ADA.govwww.ada.gov
- DREDF.orgwww.dredf.org